同朋友開公司, 佢私自拿走晒D錢
2015-07-23 18:07:44 UTC
我同朋友大半年前開左間有限公司,我地為左方便, 任何一個簽名都可拿戶口D錢. 後來有D野傾唔埋, 佢私自拿走晒D錢, 包括戶口既9萬, 同公司既兩萬蚊現金. 我報警但警方唔受理. 佢就話佢只係拿回自己既註資.

我無去SCT, 但填左都準備去(以個人名義計番條數). 我問左幾個免費法律資詢, 有人話我可以告文事, 有人話我可以告刑事, 又有人話我告唔入. 所以我一直無取消間公司, 因為佢地都話取消左就唔可以再告.

但係公司已經快到一年要再交BR費了, 我現在唔知點做好.
因為唔係大數目, 加上我無錢, 無理由搵律師.
二 答案:
2015-07-23 19:38:19 UTC
Here are what you have to do:

1. The consensus is correct that the company must be "alive" in order to sue your friend. So regardless, you must maintain the company "alive", such as paying all necessary fees and filing necessary reports.

2. You can disregard what the police told you. Bottom line - the police are civil servants. They need performance to get promoted. When the impact to the public is minor, the police rarely do anything (A classic example is pickpocketing).

3. You will have to sue in the name of the company, not you. Your friend did not take his money back, but the company's money. You did not sustain a loss, but the company did. Since the company has been incorporated, the company needs to sue on its own.

4. Unfortunately, you will have to sue at DC, not SCT, because:

a. Any SCT judgments are monetary only. Even your company is able to recover half of the money, the SCT does not have the authority to discharge your friend as a equity partner.

b. There are proper procedure for a partner's withdrawal, which must put in writing and submit to the Company Registry.

c. Depending on the circumstance, your friend's breach of his duties can constitute additional injuries.

In your case, what you should do is seek the assistance of the Legal Aids Department:


See if they can help you with this.

2015-07-24 05:14:42 補充:

1. It is up to you how you evaluate.

2. You can't sue on your own basis. You have no loss at all as this is not your money, but the company money.

When the company pays you, then it is your money.
2015-07-23 18:45:04 UTC





2015-07-24 15:57:47 補充:



現實上,警方係唔願做呢d案,但我唔係話警察hea,而係舉證上有困難,而且呢d商業案落口供,真係水蛇春咁長. 我有一次類似經驗,到左報案室4次,先至叫做比到表證,再交由CID落案處理,所以你唔好認為係絕不受理,已經講左,最緊要有POINT,選擇最易入既罪去告,呢D你自己再研究下,而我上次既經驗係用左7個月時間.

2015-07-24 16:01:29 補充:



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